As you can see we had a lot of apples and they were all free!! We picked some from a family's orchard in our ward and then when we went over to see Joe's mom we pick some at their friends place over there. I didn't realize that we had so many until they were all together. I decided to can some applesauce and I actually did it! We only did half the applesauce because I ran out of jars. We also had a ton of baggies in the freezer full of blackberries (free!!) that we picked this summer so we did 12 pints of jam too. I just hope this will last us through until next summer.
I was talking to another mom in our ward and she has four kids and cans tons. She grows the majority of all the fruit and veggies too. She cans about 60 jars of tomato sauce and tomatoes! I was impressed. She inspired me, so next summer I'm going to try to do tomatoes too. We'll see what happens. I know it take s a lot of time to do it but right now we have a lot more time then money!! And we need to start somewhere with food storage.
Impressive! I have only canned once with a friend and I loved it. However, it seems like such an involved process that I am scared to try. You are amazing!
Wow! That's a lot of apples. Good job with the canning. We've been helping my mom can this summer. We had peaches that weren't all that good to eat, but they were excellent canned.
Oh Mary, I'm soooo proud of you!!! Don't you just LOVE those jars on your counter?! I used to love to go to Relief Society with stained fingers after canning something that week...I finally felt like "one of the girls"! Too funny huh?!
A trick I found was to make chunky applesauce with red hots and then freeze the containers. We ate it sort of slushy.
I am so impressed! Good for you! I'm so proud of your beginning of your food's have to start somewhere! :)
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