Yeah!!!!!! we finally have a computer, internet and yes, after almost a year we have cable...basic but yes we have it. Some people frown upon cable/tv but for me HGTV is my release. I really don't want to tell the long horrible story about getting our computer so I'll just tell a shortened version. we went into get a MAC (a month ago) and then decided that they were too much. so two weeks later we went to the store just to get a basic computer and realized that we did have enough to get it but the store didn't have any in stock so we were going to come back next week and get it...they still didn't have any!! They said they would ship one down from Portland and that it would be there in two days. So we called two days later and still no computer and yes we had paid for it already. The next day it finally came in...they said. So we drove over there (1/2 hour drive...1 hour in traffic) and waited 45 minutes for them to tell us that it really wasn't there and there was no record of it being shipped. So they shipped it overnight...which turned out to be three more days. We got it home and hooked it up to find that the printed we bought from them didn't work either. It kept on saying there was a paper jam. So then we were waiting for our internet guy to come out on hook-up the internet for us(2 weeks). Well after being here for three hours he finally got all the "stuff" hooked-up, the last thing was to do the router (that we had bought from the store too). Well, he tried everything and finally said the router was shot. Needless to say that I will no longer be shopping at Best Buy. That ended up being a lot longer then I wanted...literally.
We love it here!! The town is almost exactly what we wanted. I love the weather, so far, and the boys are doing great. The boys love to pick black berries as you can tell from the picture. I think we've picked enough to make plenty of jam. Travis is finally talking more, his new thing is to say, "I no like it!" and "that's scared." When ever we meet new people it's always funny to see their reaction to Traivs because he looks like he's four and talks like he's 2. He's Travis and that's that. Ty is just too cute. He crawls like a mad man and has no desire to walk at all. He stands up just fine by himself but that's about it. He loves to put things in baskets and buckets and when Travis isn't looking he plays with his cars. Joe is loving teaching and yesterday he got to break up the first fight on the school year AND it was a girl fight. Me? ummm I've decided that having 2 1/2 bathrooms is over rated! It takes me longer to clean the bathrooms then the rest of the house. I just joined a $5 quilting club. It's once a month and you pay five bucks to sign up and then another five at the first meeting. You get a new block and the fabric with it every month and at the end of the year you have a quilt. As long as you complete your block before the next month you don't pay anything else. I'll take picture of the blocks as they are finished and post them you can tell me what you think.
It was fun to read your updates, I can't believe the computer story, wow. It sounds like you guys are happy there. (And yes, if you come down on your birthday, I will take you to Disneyland too =)! )
Sorry about all your computer troubles...that stinks! I'm glad you are still alive! :) It was fun to see the pictures & hear an update!
Good to here from you guys. I'm glad you're settling in, and that you have your own place. The boys are way cute. Oh, and sorry to here about the computer thing with Best Buy. I don't know if I want to shop there after hearing that story.
Okay I hope you don't mind me stopping by your blog, I saw it on another old U-Village persons blog and we were so excited to find ya'll. We miss you! I can't believe how much the boys have grown. A year already? and the Race Car picture is awesome! :)
Feel free to visit us at
Good to hear your family is doing well. That is one intense computer story. It sounds too familiar to my sisters TV story with Best Buy. Tyler is getting so big and looks more like you more than Travis does.
Yeah, you're finally back! I was so excited to hear from you. I can't believe Tyler is a year old. Wow time flies. Travis is cute as always. I did leave Jeff for a week since the kids had spud harvest and I had two weeks off of school. So, I decided to go to Mexico. The only bad thing that our anniversary was during that week. I did leave Nathan with my mom and they will be coming back in one month. I know it's a long time but he loves it down there. We signed him up to go to school and he just loves it he has a lot of friends and loves doing homework. I think it's funny. I think that's the only reason I let him stay because i know he is happy.
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