I finally figured out that it was this internet protection thing that Joe downloaded that wasn't letting me post. So here are a lot of pictures...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I found the problem!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
bloggin' blues
I'm having some posting problems!!! For some reason my pictures won't upload. My sister tried it on her computer and it work, so I have no idea what's going on. if anyone has any advice please comment!!! when i try to upload a pictures it either goes back to the browse page, just goes blank, or it just loads and loads and does nothing. help me if you can!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
gobble, gobble
being a boy
So last Sunday Joe went to pick up Travis from nursery to find him and the nursery worker standing outside the door waiting for Joe. I guess Travis had spent the last 10 minutes or so in time out for hitting, breaking things and being wild. I thought...what do you expect from a three year old Sloan boy? This has not been the first time that Travis has had trouble or i should say has been trouble in nursery. I felt bad for the nursery people so I made a dozen cinnamon rolls (the ones in the picture are ours), made Travis deliver them and say sorry to them. I hope that keeps them happy for a few weeks until he's in sunbeams. If not I'll be making them dinner next.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sewing city
My house is a mess, there's tons of laundry to do, my dishes have yet to do themselves and what do I do? Sew! That's what you're supposed to do instead of everything else that needs to get done. I've joined this $5 quilting club and I love it. You pay $5 at the beginning and as long as you show up every month with the finished block from the previous month you're good to go! If not you pay $5 again to get the next block. They go for a year and it just started when I got here so it was perfect. I like it because you get the stuff and then go home and do it. At the monthly meeting that just talk about new stuff. It's fun and it gets me a ticket to get out of the house childless once a month. Oh, sweet freedom!! On my side bar I have a slideshow and I'll post the new blocks as I finish them. I also did two other "projects" instead of cleaning. I went a sewing enrichment and we made lunch bags. I probably won't use mine for lunch but it turned out cute.
When I was sewing that at my friends house she had this bag hanger pin cushion thinger. I didn't think anything of it then when I sat down to sew it was cool to have it right there. So I checked it out and went home and made one. I think it's pretty handy!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
some of this and that
Monday, October 20, 2008
Package from Grandma!!!
This is mainly for my mom. She sent a package to him (birthday) and it was so cute I had to show how much he liked it. Travis never really liked the little people but Tyler is all over them!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
when mom leaves...
This is one of those "mom" stories that you hear and you just have to laugh, but you feel for the poor mom that it happens to. Here it is:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
apples anyone?
As you can see we had a lot of apples and they were all free!! We picked some from a family's orchard in our ward and then when we went over to see Joe's mom we pick some at their friends place over there. I didn't realize that we had so many until they were all together. I decided to can some applesauce and I actually did it! We only did half the applesauce because I ran out of jars. We also had a ton of baggies in the freezer full of blackberries (free!!) that we picked this summer so we did 12 pints of jam too. I just hope this will last us through until next summer.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Yeah!!!!!! we finally have a computer, internet and yes, after almost a year we have cable...basic but yes we have it. Some people frown upon cable/tv but for me HGTV is my release. I really don't want to tell the long horrible story about getting our computer so I'll just tell a shortened version. we went into get a MAC (a month ago) and then decided that they were too much. so two weeks later we went to the store just to get a basic computer and realized that we did have enough to get it but the store didn't have any in stock so we were going to come back next week and get it...they still didn't have any!! They said they would ship one down from Portland and that it would be there in two days. So we called two days later and still no computer and yes we had paid for it already. The next day it finally came in...they said. So we drove over there (1/2 hour drive...1 hour in traffic) and waited 45 minutes for them to tell us that it really wasn't there and there was no record of it being shipped. So they shipped it overnight...which turned out to be three more days. We got it home and hooked it up to find that the printed we bought from them didn't work either. It kept on saying there was a paper jam. So then we were waiting for our internet guy to come out on hook-up the internet for us(2 weeks). Well after being here for three hours he finally got all the "stuff" hooked-up, the last thing was to do the router (that we had bought from the store too). Well, he tried everything and finally said the router was shot. Needless to say that I will no longer be shopping at Best Buy. That ended up being a lot longer then I wanted...literally.
We love it here!! The town is almost exactly what we wanted. I love the weather, so far, and the boys are doing great. The boys love to pick black berries as you can tell from the picture. I think we've picked enough to make plenty of jam. Travis is finally talking more, his new thing is to say, "I no like it!" and "that's scared." When ever we meet new people it's always funny to see their reaction to Traivs because he looks like he's four and talks like he's 2. He's Travis and that's that. Ty is just too cute. He crawls like a mad man and has no desire to walk at all. He stands up just fine by himself but that's about it. He loves to put things in baskets and buckets and when Travis isn't looking he plays with his cars. Joe is loving teaching and yesterday he got to break up the first fight on the school year AND it was a girl fight. Me? ummm I've decided that having 2 1/2 bathrooms is over rated! It takes me longer to clean the bathrooms then the rest of the house. I just joined a $5 quilting club. It's once a month and you pay five bucks to sign up and then another five at the first meeting. You get a new block and the fabric with it every month and at the end of the year you have a quilt. As long as you complete your block before the next month you don't pay anything else. I'll take picture of the blocks as they are finished and post them you can tell me what you think.
Friday, September 5, 2008
We Are Here!!
Yes we did make it to our new place and yes there was record breaking heat that week end. Hopefully this will be it for a while because everytime we move the strangest things happen...for example a fire on the I-5 that stop ALL traffic (includuing us) for two hours. I have pictures that I'll post later.
We are currently with out a computer. We are trying to get a MAC and it's taking a little longer then we thought. So until then I get to use the library computer or go to school and use Joe's. Either one is hard to do with my two wild men running around.
Things are good and we love it here! I hope we get stay here for awhile.
I'll try to post but I'm not promising anything. If I do use a computer I check my e-mail first and that's about all I get to do.
Friday, August 1, 2008
It's almost over
We finally found a place to rent in Oregon. We figured that we should probably rent until we know if we really want to be there. We were looking for a house to rent but we put it off for too long and couldn't find one. We finally found a town home! It has washer and dryer hook ups, a fenced back yard, a garage, three bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms. It's about 1,200 square feet!!! It's in a new neighborhood and looks decent. I'm excited about it and most excited to be out of an apartment. We only have about a week and a half left. We have been busy here and the boys are enjoying evey minute of it. Here's a picture of the grandkids, the ones that live here. There's always a kid around.
I shaved Travis' hair and then Jake wanted his shaved, then Wyatt, and then there was a line and everyone decided to get theirs done too! So here are all the boys and their mid-summer cuts.
After we shaved Travis' and Jake's I kept mixing them up. They are about the same height and their heads are the same size. Jake is two years older then Travis!
There are tons of parks around here so we go a lot. The other day we decided to go ice blocking. The kids had a blast!!
We went bowling too. Travis tried to bowl for everyone. I think it will take him a while to understand the game.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
the wagon and the fourth
The boys and I went to Target with Grandma Meri and we talked her into getting a wagon (along with some other thing :) Travis helped put Papito put the wagon together.
We also got Travis a helmet but couldn't find a bike for him. He had to wear it all through the store. He really is our "Special Ed Ted" now. Tyler loves to sit in the wagon. When all the kids are out side they all take turns pulling him around.
We finally made it to the beach. My sister and sister in-law go two times a week and stay for hours with their kids. I can only take 2 hours and I waited until Joe had a day off to go with him. Travis hates the sand and he doesn't like the ocean either. He doesn't like how the water goes in and out. After a while he finally decided he was fine and started building sand castles.
Tyler really didn't like the sand either. I finally gave up and we went home to take showers and take naps.
The Fourth was fun. We went to the town fair and the kids bought these confetti eggs. They had fun with that!
We all came home and set up the water stuff. Travis loves being around hios cousins and Tyler is finally ok with the noise level...but not me.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Our summer home
YEAH!!!! We are finally here!!! After packing all of our stuff into storage and driving 18 hours we finally made it! The drive wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I'm glad we don't have to do it again for 2 months.
On the way down here we stopped the first night at a hotel to swim, eat and sleep. Travis LOVES to swim. I told him to go to the bathroom before he put on his swimmin' suit. He came out and this is what I saw. Joe and I couldn't stop laughing!!
Since we've been here Tyler has learned to pull himself up, crawl up stairs, and is now in 12 month clothes!! My Tyler is growing up way too fast! It's only a matter of time before he starts running.
Travis is loving it here with all his cousins. He is always asking for them to come over and when they do (everyday) he is constanly running around trying to keep up with them. He isn't having anymore problems going to sleep at night.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
we're outta here!!!
You would think that I would've learned my lesson last time we moved, but no I didn't. Joe got a new teaching job in Oregon which is actually were we wanted to live in the first place. He will be teaching Spanish kids English and helping them with school work. It's called ELD. I guess its a new thing that they are doing, we'll see what happens.
Washington just wasn't right for us. After living in Rexburg we need a small town. We are actually moving two times...Joe is going to work for my dad this summer doing construction in California. So we'll live with my parents, which I thought I'd never do, for about two months and then we'll head to Oregon. I think I'm most excited about not being in an apartment anymore!!! We're looking at renting a house until we decide if it's the right town for us. Things are a little crazy right now trying to get everything ready but I'll try to keep posting. Which reminds me our computer (actually my brother's computer that we are using right now) has died so I don't know how often I'll be posting.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Our new pet!
When the boys and I went outside earlier today Travis found a caterpillar on the stairs. He thought it was "cute," everything is still cute. When we came back in it was still there so I put it in a jar because he kept asking to hold it. After I out it in the jar he took it out on the patio so that they could play, it didn't stay in the jar for very long. Here are some pictures... He kept on asking to hold it...
He's giving him caterpillar kisses.
We finally put him in our strawberry plants for a nap.